“Randy’s camps helped me to find new limits; without the experience I would have never even tried most of the things that I’ve done on a bike.”
– Gigi Norcross, Cat 4 cyclist, xXx Racing-AthletiCo
“Randy’s camps helped me to find new limits; without the experience I would have never even tried most of the things that I’ve done on a bike.”
– Gigi Norcross, Cat 4 cyclist, xXx Racing-AthletiCo
“Randy’s camps have always been a springboard to my busy racing season. They provide a combination of intensity and base mileage to really get in those extra training hours. Randy runs them very well, allowing riders to ride and recover and not having to worry about one logistics issue.”
– John Tomlinson, 2009 and 2010 Junior National Track Champion and 2010 Junior World’s Track USA Team Member
“I’ve learned a great deal from Randy. I honestly think that his wealth of knowledge both as a racer and a coach is worth the price of admission. In addition to being a great teacher, he’s an accomplished racer himself and knows what a cyclist needs to feel challenged at a training camp when it’s appropriate, and comfortable when at rest. I look forward to a Warren Cycling camp each year.”
– George Langford, Cat 3 cyclist, Pactimo Clothing Tester
“I have experienced Coach Randy’s camps three years in a row, and have become a better cyclist and racer after each. Randy’s camps, both international and domestic, have been a huge factor in my athletic successes. Randy knows how to create a challenging and professional experience for every type of athlete. Training with Randy is pro training.”
–Will Pankonin, Cat 3 cyclist, xXx Racing-AthletiCo
“Randy’s camps are extremely professional without being rigid. The atmosphere is very casual and fun and yet everything goes smoothly and precisely. Randy knows what to provide for people who are serious about their training and the support crew does a great job of being nearby nearly all the time in case there is a mechanical or weather issue.
– Ken McDowell, cat 4 cyclist, Annapolis Bicycle Racing Team