What People Are Saying
“I have experienced Coach Randy’s camps three years in a row, and have become a better cyclist and racer after each. Randy’s camps, both international and domestic, have been a huge factor in my athletic successes. Randy knows how to create a challenging and professional experience for every type of athlete. Training with Randy is pro training.”
–Will Pankonin, Cat 3 cyclist, xXx Racing-AthletiCo
Category Archives: Testimonials
Victor Plata
“Randy´s coaching techniques, philosophy, and character have inspired both my career as an Olympian triathlete and my life as a human being.” – Victor Plata, 2004 Olympian, Triathlon
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“Randy helped me achieve my dreams and more. I will be forever grateful to him for his guidance through my developing years.” – Rebecca Much, 2004 Junior World Silver Medalist, ITT
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“Coach Randy’s camps provide training challenge and preparation for the fittest athletes with national goals, at the same time they are accessible and developmentally appropriate for athletes who are newer to the sport and less developed in their abilities, all … Continue reading
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